It has been a busy couple of months visiting various shows and exhibitions where we have met new people and have had great business conversations.
People often ask me, “what do you do?” and I reply “I work for Oxford Cartographers, we make maps!” I normally get the same reply back “Oh!” and a slightly confused look.
Are maps not as popular as they used to be, and the power of what a map can do as a marketing tool is not fully understood? Here’s why I know maps are powerful.
Most companies use maps in various shapes and forms whether it is published in the latest company brochure, used as a promotional tool or as an interactive map online.
With a recent survey conducted by the *BPMA, 89% of people will keep a promotional item if the item is useful. So are maps useful? My answer is yes!
For whatever the use, maps can work in several ways, not just as a wayfinding tool. Having worked for several industries, our expert cartographers create maps that offer something different – they are not off-the-peg.
We get to know you and your mapping needs, then develop maps which fit your requirements and address the needs of your users. If you need to differentiate yourself from others in your market then contact us today.
*British Promotional Merchandise Association survey conducted 2015 Promotional Product Week

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